Arkansas Bicycle Club


March Meeting

  • 18 Mar 2015 11:42 AM
    Reply # 3257304 on 3232723

    The April 19 BRAA was discussed. The tentative schedule and mileage is on the Rides. Jim showed the new website and how to register for the BRAA and some of the out of state rides for carpool purposes, such as Erie Canal Ride. We just received word on the All Rise Century Ride in Batesville on May 9 and it is on the Ride Schedule. ABC made recent donations of $500 each to BACA for the Bike Summit and Recycle Bikes for Kids and lesser donations with our membership renewal with Bike League and Adventure Cycling.  

  • 23 Feb 2015 3:31 PM
    Reply # 3233424 on 3232723

    We will also have an update and demo on our new ABC website.

  • 23 Feb 2015 1:18 PM
    Message # 3232723

    We will meet at the Oyster Bar on Kavanagh.  Meeting starts at 7:00 but come early (6:30) for food, drinks and socializing.

    Last modified: 23 Feb 2015 1:19 PM | Anonymous

Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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