Arkansas Bicycle Club


February 2018 meeting

  • 11 Feb 2018 10:33 AM
    Reply # 5731732 on 5731244

    Really disappointed I had to miss this meeting.  Susan, my wife, was very sick, so going out Thursday night was not possible.  She is making progress, but it has been slow.  This has been a tough year for colds, flu and all kinds of ailments.  

    We do have several events in 2018 with the Lake Ouachita Ride in a couple weeks.  Hopefully everyone will find some events to their liking.  I know we are having even more "out of state" riders coming to these events.  

    The weather has been difficult to start this year, but better weather and good riding is coming soon.  

  • 10 Feb 2018 9:24 PM
    Message # 5731244

    16 were in attendance with 5 new members attending. The upcoming Lake Ouachita 3 day ride was discussed. A new ride this year is the Salt County Ride the last Saturday in March and the first ride in the Charity Challenge is the Wine Country Ride in Altus the first Saturday in April. We have riders going on Bike Florida in March, OK Freewheel and Big BAM on Route 66 in June, and Erie Canal in July.

    The new dues of $25 for 1 year up to $70 for 3 years as approved by the board was announced, to take effect March 1. Also, the board re-elected James Britt as president. The dues increase was based on increasing insurance and website maintenance costs per member and our desire to continue to be club members of Adventure Cycling Association and League of American Bicyclists, as well as our other charity and advocacy donations. Dues have been the same for nearly 20 years.

    Our invited speaker next month is Rex Nelson, talking on his travels in south Arkansas that we will see on the spring BRAA, April 15.


Address: P.O. Box 250817, Little Rock, AR 72225-0817

Phone: (501 912-1449

email Jim

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